Should you do strength training or cardio?

A question I often get asked is, “Should I do strength training or cardio?”

My answer is, “What are you trying to achieve?”

For many years (and currently) it has been thought that cardiovascular exercise is the optimal exercise to lose weight because of the amount of calories it utilizes during each exercise session. Therefore people with weight loss goals often gravitate toward cardiovascular type exercise.

But here is the truth, you can do zero minutes of cardio and still change body composition. You don’t need to slave away for hours on a treadmill in the name of health or weight loss (these not to be used interchangeably).

Now if you have a performance goal of running faster or doing a triathlon, cardiovascular exercise should be a part of your training in addition to strength training.

Today I wanted to share the benefits of both (see info graphic), not suggesting you choose one over the other, but also recognizing the importance of including strength training in your routine.

I personally feel everyone should include some type of strength training in their routine. The improvement I see in everyone is remarkable.

My runners get faster.

My Pilates clients get significantly stronger in their practice.

My new moms build their strength back up.

My clients feel empowered and inspired (and sometimes surprised by what their own body can do).

It doesn’t need to replace your favorite form of exercise or movement, it will just compliment it really, really well and make you feel stronger in any other area of your life.

If you are looking for a place to get started check out my online, fitness, coaching group that offers monthly workout plans to help you get started and stay consistent. Check out the details below.


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