How to schedule your strength workouts


When people ask me how many a days week they should workout the first question I ask is, “What does your schedule look like?”

Lots of factors play into how many days to workout each week but the biggest one is what ACTUALLY fits in your schedule.

A common misconception is in order to be healthy/strong/lose weight you have to workout all the the time, when in actuality a consistent 2-3 days a week can be all you need.

These examples are just that.

You can follow them or you don’t have to but there is strategy in how a workout routine is programmed to make the most of you time and give you the results you are looking for. It’s not just randomly using swipe workouts from the gram.

✨ I would rather have my clients under commit and over deliver, than over commit and under deliver. It just makes you feel better and we can’t ignore the mental component involved.✨

And REST + RECOVERY are as important as your workouts to rebuild and repair muscle. 😴 Not enough rest and too many workouts can be detrimental to health and hinder progress.

Check out these workout schedule examples and see what one fits best for you.


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